Process Engineering Intern 化学工艺工程实习生
2024-04-08 11:08:36 刷新
150-180/天 上海 本科 3天/周 实习6个月
Process Engineering Intern 化学工艺工程实习生 Job Responsibility 工作职责 • Assist and perform chemical experiments including chromatography, evaporation, etc. 协助并执行化学实验,包含色谱分析和挥发等。 • Keep proper and timely records of experiments. 及时并准确的记录实验。 • Collect, analyze, interpret, and report data and experimental findings. 收集、分析、翻译并报告实验数据和实验发现。 • Maintain a clean and safe work environment. 维持干净且安全的工作环境。 • Provide general laboratory and administrative support. 提供日常实验室和管理支持。 • Must be able to commit to a minimum of three consecutive days a week. 每周至少工作三天。 Profile 岗位要求 • Undergraduate or graduate student in chemical engineering, chemistry or equivalent. 化工、化学或相关专业的研究生在读或本科生在读。 • Proficiency with Microsoft Office applications is required. 具备熟练的Office软件技能。 • Be able and willing to work in laboratory environment. 具备实验室工作技能并愿意进入实验室工作。 • Hands-on experience in lab or pilot is a plus. 有实验室工作经验的优先考虑。 • Effective written and verbal communication skills. 有良好的口语和书面沟通能力。 We bring ? A space to grow by encouraging and supporting curiosity and an open mindset ? A culture that prioritizes safety and well-being, both physically and mentally; ? The opportunity to work for a company where sustainability is much more than a claim and is core to our strategy and purpose; ? A flexible work environment that empowers people to take accountability for their work and own the outcome; ? Barrier-free communities within our organization where every employee is equally valued and respected – regardless of their background, beliefs, or identity; ? A firm belief that working together with our customers is the key to achieving great things; 实习津贴:本科140/天,研究生160/天,车贴10/天
简历要求: 中文
上海市/上海市/闵行区 芬美意香料(中国)有限公司 金都路3901号 收起地图