2022-12-12 14:20:25 刷新
100-150/天 上海 本科 3天/周 实习13个月 提供转正机会


1 在设备现场实际处理程序调试(MISTUBISHI GX PLC, GOT HMI, Siemens S7-300/400 PLC, WinCC flexible 2008), 电气、仪表接线、故障解决、维修维护、器件更换等工作,并做好相关工作记录和出差报告;

Take responsibility for programming debug(MISTUBISHI GX PLC, GOT HMI, Siemens S7-300/400 PLC, WinCC flexible 2008), electrical wiring, trouble shooting, maintenance, replace of electric parts and instruments in the customer sites, and fulfill relevant working record and travel reports; 2  根据控制逻辑,电气图纸,结合工艺要求,通过电话、邮件或传真回复客户提出的问题,给出具体技术性解决方案; Answering customers’ questions regarding electrical issues through telephone, e-mail or fax according to electrical control diagram and processing requirement, and provide the detail technical problem solving proposal; 3  和机械(或工艺工程师)一起,完成现场项目的调试和性能测试,在满足合同要求的基础上完成项目验收; Finish the project commissioning, performance test and acceptance together with the Mechanical engineer (or processing engineer) in the site according to contracts; 4  根据控制逻辑要求,理解并绘制控制回路。 Understand and drawing control circuit diagram according to control logic. 5  翻译集团内产品使用手册和图纸并安排寄送给客户; Translate the operation manual and diagram, and arrange the delivery to the customer of such documentations; 6  进行相关技术文件的归档; Responsible for filing of relevant technical documentations; 7  参加公司内(或海外)技术及产品培训,提高自身综合素养; Take part in the technical and product training arranged by the company to improve self abilities; 8  向技术部总监汇报工作。 Report to Technical Director. 任职要求: 1  大学本科以上学历(电气自动化或自动化控制专业) University degree or above (Major in:Electrical Automation / Automation Control). 。 2  持有低压电工操作证。 have “Low voltage electrical operation certificate” 3  日语听说读写流利,英语具备听读写能力,能与外方专家就技术问题进行无语言障碍交流; Fluent Japanese in listening, speaking, reading and writing, capable to use English in listening, reading and writing, can communicate with foreign experts in Japanese and English for technical issues smoothly; 4  能熟练阅读、理解一般工业电气控制电路图(日英文),其中能理解本公司设备、系统的电气控制图者优先; Capability to read and understand common industry electrical engineering control diagram n both Japanese and English smoothly, preferably for those candidates who can understand the diagram of our company’s machines and systems; 5  能够根据控制原理图判断系统故障的可能性; Capability to judge the possible reasons which might cause the system troubles according to the control principle diagram; 6  熟悉PLC-变频器使用,熟悉一般的PID(流量、温度、料位,重量)的原理和控制方法; Familiar with the usage of the PLC inverter, principle and control methods of common PID (flow rate, temperature, material level and weight); 7  熟悉MISTUBISHI GX, Siemens S7-300 PLC可编程控制器的软硬件,具备初步编程能力;有非标自动化设备PLC编程经验者优先; Familiar with the hardware and software of MISTUBISHI GX, SIEMENS S7 300 Programmable controller, and have the basic programming skill; 8  熟悉人-机界面的基本组态原理,有MISTUBISHI GOT, Siemens WinCC Flexible (ProTools)使用经验为佳; Familiar with the principle of human-machine interface(HMI), preferably for those candidate who has the experience to use MISTUBISHI GOT, WinCC and WinCC Flexible (ProTools); 9  职业意向为现场技术服务人员,有较强的动手能力; Occupation intention is to be a technical service staff at site, has strong practical ability; 10  能接受频繁的出差; Be willing to travel frequently; 11  有强烈的责任心及独立思考、分析、解决问题的能力; Strong sense of responsibility, capability of independent thinking, analyzing and problem solving; 12  有良好的人际沟通能力,具有较强的客户服务意识和团队合作精神; Good communication skill, strong customer service spirit and team work spirit; 13  由于工作特殊性和危险性,在工作中必须谨慎并全神贯注, 且有很强的自律性。 Has to be well self-disciplined, discreet and always highly concentrated during work time.
简历要求: 中文
上海市延安西路2067号仲盛金融中心2003-2006室 收起地图

