2023-01-31 11:48:55 刷新
100-150/天 上海,广州,成都,杭州 本科 5天/周 实习7个月 提供转正机会

感谢您对于MGA的关注和投递,请仔细查阅以下JD,HR Eden收到简历后会时间与你电话取得联系,谢谢

【ManGo Associates】

MGA 2006年在上海成立总部,目前MGA全国设有6家分公司,约400多位专业顾问,年度业务体量超亿规模。业务覆盖各职能和行业领域,包括:汽车、医药、高科技、互联网、金融、房地产、快消&零售、供应链、制造、工业自动化、化工、新能源。MGA定位全球市场,市场占有率和顾问单产跻进全国先列。 我们始终秉承理性 勇气 责任 坚持为公司核心价值观,继续坚持为公司寻求优人才、为人才赢得价值、为员工创造优平台。本次招聘主要针对实习生(长期员工及转正留用培养方向),请大三大四或者能保证一周5天到岗的伙伴仔细阅读岗位JD,谢谢 Job description:  Thank you for your attention to MGA and delivery, please carefully read the following JD,HR Eden will receive the resume will contact you as soon as possible, thank you.  [ManGo Associates].  MGA set up its headquarters in Shanghai in 2006. At present, MGA has 6 branches and more than 400 professional consultants in China. The annual business volume is over 100 million. Business covers a wide range of functions and industries, including: automotive, pharmaceutical, high-tech, Internet, finance, real estate, consumer & retail, supply chain, manufacturing, industrial automation, chemical, new energy. MGA positioning of the global market, market share and consultants per unit area into the top of the national list.  We always uphold the rational courage and responsibility to adhere to the core values of the company, continue to insist on seeking the best talent for the company, to win the greatest value for talent, to create the best platform for employees. This recruitment is mainly for interns (long-term employees and retain training direction), please junior senior or can guarantee a week 5 days to the post partners carefully read the post JD, thank you 岗位职责 1、充分发挥自身的招聘精神和猎头专业度,有准备的做好新客户的开拓和老客户的维护; 2、在资深顾问的指导下充分了解目标公司招聘需求,有效解决核心客户的招聘需求; 3、深入挖掘潜在招聘渠道,有针对性的进行渠道开拓和结果分析总结; 4、与候选人高效沟通职位信息,通过面试筛选及推荐合适的候选人; 5、能够根据公司的业务指标及顾问规划安排,有效解决项目招聘需求。 Post responsibility.  1, give full play to their own recruitment spirit and professional degree of headhunting, prepared to do a good job in the development of new customers and maintenance of old customers;  2, under the guidance of senior consultants, fully understand the recruitment needs of the target company, effectively address the recruitment needs of core customers;  3, dig the potential recruitment channel deeply, develop the channel pointedly and analyze and summarize the result;  4. Communicate position information with candidates efficiently, select and recommend suitable candidates through interview;  According to the company's business requirements and consultant planning arrangements, effectively solve the project recruitment needs. 职位要求 1、全日制统招本科及以上学历,专业不限,欢迎海归; 2、0-3年工作经验,应届生有比较丰富的实习、社会实践经验; 3、逻辑清晰,思路成熟,具有良好的语言沟通能力和谈判能力; 4、具备极强的自我驱动力和学习能力,喜欢挑战性的工作; 5、踏实靠谱、拥有较强的责任感和良好的抗压性; Job requirements.  1. Bachelor degree or above, major is not limited. Returnees are welcome.  2, 0-3 years of work experience, fresh graduates had better have a relatively rich internship, social practice experience;  3. Clear logic, mature thinking, good language communication ability and negotiation ability;  4, have strong self-driving and learning ability, like challenging work;  5, reliable, have a strong sense of responsibility and good compression; 我们期望的 1、我们接受职场小白的你,但是你要有一颗追求上进主动学习的心 2、我们接受不那么的你,但是你要有善于从的人身上获取能量的行动 3、我们接受会犯错的你,但是你要从每一个错误中吸取教训不断进步 4、我们接受现在还比较迷茫的你,但是你要在工作中快速找准自己的方向 5、我们希望你不是先就业再择业,我们希望你懂得沉淀的重要性,我们希望你每天都能从和人士的沟通中不断成长,我们希望你可以在帮助别人的同时实现自身的价值 我们提供 1、专业化的猎头培训:入职培训、一对一师徒制定制培训(包括猎头工作基础技能、行业资深顾问分享、谈判技能以及领导力技能等,培养360度独立顾问)、on jobtraining、Team内部专业知识培训、行业资深顾问定期分享、百万顾问俱乐部; 2、强大竞争力的薪酬模式:优厚的年终绩效奖金、远高于同行的提成比例、年度分红、透明的晋升机制; 3、福利补贴与休假制度:五险一金、通讯补贴、补充商业医疗保险、年度体检、10-15天带薪年假、带薪产假、弹性工作、生日福利、节日福利、员工旅游、定期队建、员工亲子日等家庭活动等; 4、和谐靠谱的工作氛围:人际关系简单务实,开放式办公环境,专业度高的leader和同事。 实习生可留用 MGA长期招聘有志于投身猎头行业的在校生实习: 1、大三/大四/研二/研三学生,不限制专业,只要你够,MGA不care是否是名校 2、实习周期要不少于6个月,为了确保小伙伴学有所获,每周需尽量全勤。 3、本科生100/日,研究生120/日。如实习期协助完成case,每单可获得1000元bonus。



工作地址 小伙伴可根据个人意愿选择工作城市,给予你体验并沉淀每座城市里的MGA精英职场文化。 上海地址:上海市黄浦区徐家汇路555号广东发展银行大厦22楼 广州地址:广州市天河区林和西路161号中泰国际广场B栋2009室 深圳地址:深圳市福田区福华一路138号深圳国际商会大厦B座612室 成都地址:成都市锦江区东大街芷泉段68号时代8号2801室 苏州地址:苏州园区苏州大道西9号兆润财富中心西塔908室 杭州地址:杭州市江干区花园兜街175号智谷国际人才大厦505室(近火车东站地铁站)
简历要求: 中文
上海市黄浦区徐家汇路555号广东发展银行大厦22楼,广州,成都,杭州 收起地图






