2021-08-04 17:03:25 刷新
120-160/天 上海 本科 4天/周 实习10个月 提供转正机会


1. 理解弹性岗位职能外包及招聘业务流程外包的服务内容及操作流程, 并能了解在不同服务中顾问所承担的角色。

Understand service scope & process of Function Outsourcing & Recruitment Process Outsourcing services. Clearly present the consultant’s role during different service delivery.

2. 精通贯穿招聘流程的每一步,包含职位分析及发布、目标候选人定位和搜索、 电话及现场面试、安排客户端面试、候选人评估、薪资福利的谈判及安排入职事宜等。

Execute various parts of the recruitment process including job analysis & posting, talent sourcing, prescreening & interviewing, scheduling interviews, candidate assessments, negotiating offers and conducting all candidate pre-employment activities.

3. 善于并能确保与客户的有效沟通,理解并能准确定位客户对每个职位的招聘需求。

Ensure effective communication with hiring managers aiming to understand and discover success factors and skills for each position.

4. 能化每个招聘需求的关键点,并善于撰写有效的职位发布,吸引匹配度较高的候选人来申请该职位。

Optimize job specifications and create compelling and effective job postings to attract highly qualified candidates to apply for open positions.

5. 精通分析现有招聘渠道的有效性,并能主动开发新的招聘渠道,且能从多种渠道去获取匹配的候选人。

Analyze the efficiency of different sourcing channel and proactively source new candidates through a variety of channels.

6. 精通分析每个职位的招聘需求,能通过陌生电话及清晰的职位阐述成功接触到目标候选人,并激发候选人对职位的兴趣。

Excellent in job analysis and directly source candidates using cold calling & persuasive techniques for certain positions.

7. 能在不同的招聘区域去建立及维护大量的候选人资源。

Build and maintain a comprehensive pipeline of skilled candidates to fill positions within various specialty areas.

8. 能使用招聘系统或候选人跟踪系统来控制招聘的工作流和有效性。

Use appropriate tools or systems to track activity with candidate and control recruitment workflow.

9. 能制作及维护招聘进展及活动报告,来确保招聘进展的流畅性。

Generate and maintain recruiting summary and activity reports;

10. 了解人力资源管理的每个模块、劳动合同法及雇佣的具体操作事项,能独自完成外包员工的管理包括薪资福利的设计、入职流程、月度考勤及休假管理、季度/年度的绩效评估及离职流程。

Know the labor law and operation process of employment, able to handle outsourced employees’ management independently including designing C&B structure, orientation, monthly attendance & leave management, quarterly/annual performance review and demission procedure.

11. 能及时解决员工及客户在人力资源管理方面的问题,并能提供相应的解决方案和咨询意见。

Be Able to solve HR issue of employee & clients, providing appropriate HR solution and advice.


1. 本科以上学历,有人力资源服务业经验的优先。

Bachelor's Degree or equivalent experience preferred;

2. 2年以上外企工作经验,且具备1年的招聘经验。应届生亦可。

Above 2 years working experience in MNC, and 1 years of solid recruiting experience required.

3. 对招聘生命周期有成熟认识及丰富经验。

Skilled in executing all or parts of recruiting lifecycle process;

4. 擅长目标候选人搜索,陌生电话技巧及目标公司直接接触的技巧。

Skilled in candidate sourcing, cold call and competitor direct sourcing techniques;

5. 有分析及评估相关职位的软硬性技能及职位的匹配度,并能把控职位招聘的走向。

Ability to analyze and evaluate skills, job fit, data and other resources to determine courses of action;

6. 较强的时间管理及多重任务管理技能,能在规定的时间内完成招聘任务,合理安排多重任务下的工作。

Ability to manage time to complete work by deadlines; Ability to manage multiple tasks/account work simultaneously;

7. 具备成熟的内外部沟通技能,能与不同类型的人进行有效且顺畅的沟通。

Mature internal and external communication skill for all levels of people.

8. 较强的现场演讲能力及感染力,英语口语流利优先, 必备较好的英语读写能力。

Outstanding presentation technique, prefer fluent spoken and good written English.

9. 良好的市场意识,能深入理解业务的定位和发展趋势。

Good business sense and deeply understand the positioning of CDP’s business and development trend.

10. 较强的团队合作精神,热情开朗,稳重踏实,有上进心。

A good team worker, energetic, open-mind, honesty and integrity, ambitious and steady;

11. 积极向上、永不言败的工作态度,且能保留变化和灵活。

WILL-DO attitude. Ability to remain adaptable and flexible;

12. 能在有限指导的情况下,能独立工作且完成任务。

Able to work independently provided minimal supervision.

简历要求: 中文
上海市闵行区莲花路1733号D106栋 收起地图






