201910-128327 上海 专利部实习生(针对2020应届)
2022-12-13 10:51:24 刷新
120-200/天 上海 不限 3天/周 实习12个月 提供转正机会

岗位针对2020届应届毕业生,不限专业,只要你有流利的英语听说读写能力,只要你认真好学,踏实努力, 我们能提供的不止是一个实习机会,更不止是一个实习转正式员工的机会,而是一个有着丰富从业经验的资深老板和团队提供的职业发展平台。


1. 英文读写流利,肯干活,非常细心

2. 为部门提供日常行政支持,包括文档保存,酒店/机票预订,报销,组织部门活动,安排电视/电话会议,准备文档,以及其他交代的行政工作。

3. 表现突出的实习生有机会得到下列方面的培训,以适应转正后的工作需要。




(4)管理First to File 文档系统(上传文件,如答复审查意见,申请文本,等。)




(8)文件下载与归档 (如准备专利登记簿副本,专利公开文献)



1.   General administrative work for the department

e.g. record keeping, hotel/flight reservation, reimbursement, organizing meetings/team building / TC/VC / department activities, prepare microsoft documents, and other assigned administrative tasks.

2.   Well performed intern will receive training for the purpose of growing into a paralegal’s role to provide support in the following fields

(1)   Creating invention disclosure record and patent family record in Roche system/platform

(2)   Uploading patent filing documents to the system or sending the patent filing documents to patent filing team

(3)    Handling of patent managing system (TIPM)

(4)    Management of files in First to File (upload of documents e.g. reply of Office Action, filing text, etc.)

(5)    Monitoring and handling all correspondence for patent attorneys, including but not limited to request for substantive examination, reply to office actions, Hongkong registration, payments, amendment, divisional, restoration of rights, etc.

(6)    Monitoring due dates

(7)    Downloading, uploading and updating cited reference documents to the system

(8)    Downloading, retrieval of documents (for example, copy of patent registry book, patent publication document) upon request

(9)    Supporting execution of patent relevant documents, for example, execution of assignments, US declarations, PCT declarations, etc.

(10)   Facilitating translation, notarization and legalization of documents by working with law firms, translation firms, notary public office and other public services

(11)    Supporting service invention matters

(12)    Supporting patent attorney in compilation of documents (family reports, patent documents etc.)

(13)    Drawing of chemical formulas per template and Preparation of sequence listing

4.   All the above work, particularly the patent administrative work, shall be completed correctly, accurately, timely and professionally.

5.  Other routine work

简历要求: 不限
上海 收起地图

