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品牌故事 6IXTY8IGHT于2002年由瑞典企业家ErikRyd创立,作为一个在亚洲拥有成熟业务的内衣制造商,Ryd 看准年轻内衣品牌的商机,与法国内衣设计师Marie Destombe 共同在法国巴黎推出品牌的个时尚内衣系列。2003年,Ryd在香港设立总部,并在北京开设了间6IXTY8IGHT实体店,取得空前成功。 至 2006 年,6IXTY8IGHT开始拓展其他产品线,推出了上衣、裤、连身裙、牛仔衫裤、睡衣、家居服和配饰等产品。 品牌逐渐成为受女孩们喜爱的购物目的地。全线分店的装潢皆以品牌标志性的粉红色为主调,堪称为女孩们的购物天堂。 6IXTY8IGHT 现已成为亚洲地区增长快的品牌之一,150多间门店遍布中国内地、香港、澳门、台湾、韩国及新加坡等地,门店数目更仍在不断增长。6IXTY8IGHT亦致力为顾客打造在线线下一体化的无缝购物体验。 6IXTY8IGHT的意思 6IXTY8IGHT的品牌名称源于中国的数字命理学,数字6 和 8 的广东话发音连在一起类似「一路发」,寓意「永恒的好运」。 BRANDSTORY 6IXTY8IGHTwas founded in 2002 byErikRyd, a Swedish entrepreneur with an established lingerie manufacturing businessin Asia. Erik saw a gap in the market for a youthful andenergetic lingerie brand. He seized the opportunity by successfully launchingthe first ready-to-wear fashion lingerie collection in Paris with MarieDestombe, a French lingerie designer. In 2003, Erik set up 6IXTY8IGHT’sheadquarters in Hong Kong and firststore in Beijing,with much success. In 2006, the brand expanded beyond its lingerie range, to include tops, pants,dresses, denim, nightwear, loungewear and accessories. It sealed the brand’sstatus as agirl’sfavourite shopping destination.Splashed in 6IXTY8IGHT’ssignature shade of pink, each store isa haven for girls. 6IXTY8IGHT is now one of the fastest growing fashion brands in Asia, with morethan 150 stores across China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore,and counting. 6IXTY8IGHT continues to strive for more through a seamless retailexperience, both in its brick and mortar stores and online platforms. MEANINGOF 6IXTY8IGHT The name ‘6IXTY8IGHT’ has its origins in Chinese numerology,where the Cantonese pronunciation of the numbers 6 and 8 together have phoneticsimilarities to the term “FOREVER LUCK!”.