2021-10-03 16:30:52 刷新
95-100/天 重庆 本科 5天/周 实习15个月 提供转正机会

Strong analytical and highly commitment to quality service  分析能力强,有责任心,能提供高质量服务  Be mature, initiative with strong sense of teamwork  为人成熟,团队合作意识强  Good logical thinking, interpersonal and communication skills  思维逻辑性较强,有较好的人际沟通能力  Effective written and oral communication skills in both English and Mandarin Chinese  具有的中英文写作及口语表达能力  Must have superior Excel, Word, and PowerPoint skills  熟练运用Excel Word PowerPoint 技能  Proficiency in Tableau, VBA, SharePoint 2013 and other computer applications is highly preferred  熟悉其他电脑应用(e.g. Tableau, VBA, SharePoint 2013) 能力者优先  Detail oriented and careful  注重细节,工作仔细  Good customer service attitude  良好的客户服务态度 Must be English-competent (i.e., CET-6 level reading/writing skill)  有一定的英语能力(如:全国大学生英语六级的阅读/写作技能)  Bachelor's / Master's degree of any disciplines, accounting or accounting related major is preferred  本科或硕士学历,不限专业,会计或会计相关专业优先

Perform research & prepare summary reports as requested regarding entities, industry environments, and event reviews 根据客户要求,查询与公司,行业环境和时事新闻相关的信息并根据要求进行汇总  Leverage the data visualization tools to provide support for the proposal bids or very large audits  利用数据可视化工具为大型审计项目提供支持  Provide various data analytics support to China/HK office engagement teams  为中国大陆或香港所项目组提供各种数据分析支持  Provide various project management office (PMO) and administrative support to China office group audit engagement teams  为中国办公室审计项目组提供项目管理办公室(PMO)及行政支持  Set up Deloitte OnLine SharePoint site for group audits & other initial administrative setup tasks 为集团审计及其他行政事务建立德勤在线sharepoint网站  Facilitate client collaboration by setting up and providing administrative support the SharePoint client collaboration site  通过建立sharepoint客户网站为客户提供行政支持,促进客户间协作  Responsible for Confirmation preparation, Confirmation control and coordination across all China region office, Confirmation Reconciliation and Exceptions highlighting process  负责制作函证, 更新函证控制表, 做回函比对,标注例外事项  Responsible for calling and casting of accounts 负责财务报告的数据检查  Any other administrative tasks assigned by local seniors and managers  完成高级审计员和经理分配的其他行政工作  Report to local seniors or managers as direct supervisor  向高级审计员或经理汇报工作  Potential for overtime based on client needs and deadlines  根据客户的需求和工作需求会有一定的加班情况

• Perform research & prepare summary reports as requested regarding entities, industry environments, and event reviews 根据客户要求,查询与公司,行业环境和时事新闻相关的信息并根据要求进行汇总  • Leverage the data visualization tools to provide support for the proposal bids or very large audits  利用数据可视化工具为大型审计项目提供支持  • Provide various data analytics support to China/HK office engagement teams  为中国大陆或香港所项目组提供各种数据分析支持  • Provide various project management office (PMO) and administrative support to China office group audit engagement teams  为中国办公室审计项目组提供项目管理办公室(PMO)及行政支持  • Set up Deloitte OnLine SharePoint site for group audits & other initial administrative setup tasks  为集团审计及其他行政事务建立德勤在线sharepoint网站  • Facilitate client collaboration by setting up and providing administrative support the SharePoint client collaboration site  通过建立sharepoint客户网站为客户提供行政支持,促进客户间协作  • Responsible for Confirmation preparation, Confirmation control and coordination across all China region office, Confirmation Reconciliation and Exceptions highlighting process  负责制作函证, 更新函证控制表, 做回函比对,标注例外事项  • Responsible for calling and casting of accounts 负责财务报告的数据检查  • Any other administrative tasks assigned by local seniors and managers  完成高级审计员和经理分配的其他行政工作  • Report to local seniors or managers as direct supervisor  向高级审计员或经理汇报工作  • Potential for overtime based on client needs and deadlines  根据客户的需求和工作需求会有一定的加班情况 Qualification: • Strong analytical and highly commitment to quality service  分析能力强,有责任心,能提供高质量服务  • Be mature, initiative with strong sense of teamwork  为人成熟,团队合作意识强  • Good logical thinking, interpersonal and communication skills  思维逻辑性较强,有较好的人际沟通能力  • Effective written and oral communication skills in both English and Mandarin Chinese  具有的中英文写作及口语表达能力  • Must have superior Excel, Word, and PowerPoint skills  熟练运用Excel、 Word 和PowerPoint 技能  • Proficiency in Tableau, VBA, SharePoint 2013 and other computer applications is highly preferred  熟悉其他电脑应用(e.g. Tableau, VBA, SharePoint 2013) 能力者优先  •Detail oriented and careful  注重细节,工作仔细  •Good customer service attitude  良好的客户服务态度"  • Must be English-competent (i.e., CET-6 level reading/writing skill)  有一定的英语能力(CET6以上水平、或其他相等水平英语证书)  • Bachelor's / Master's degree of any disciplines, accounting or accounting related major is preferred  本科或硕士学历,不限专业,会计或会计相关专业优先
简历要求: 中文
重庆市渝中区瑞天路10号企业天地8号楼德勤大楼7层 收起地图





