2022-11-17 17:17:48 刷新
100-200/天 北京 不限 4天/周 实习3个月


1、负责团队各类日程的提示,各类会议的安排与日程提示; 2、负责协助总监草拟各项报告、总结、计划、决议等; 3、负责所属部门各类内部例会安排,包括会议资料准备、会议召集、会议服务安排、会议记录、会议纪要整理与分发等工作; 4、就所属部门行政事务负责与公司行政部、人事部、财务部等部门协调; 5、负责重要客户来访的接待以及总监临时交办的其他工作。 任职要求: 1、大学本科或以上学历,文秘、电子商务、英语、文学、行政管理等专业优先,形象气质佳; 2、具备的文字处理水平,具备基本商务信函写作能力,协助完成日常文件梳理; 3、有较强的语言表达能力及组织协调能力,能灵活处理突发事件,善于沟通; 4、处事耐心细致,办事严谨,思维敏捷,有责任心,有团队合作意识; 5、熟练使用各类办公软件,能够适应各种公开场合。勤奋工作,勇于实践;始终坚持学习;做一个有德行的人;富有创新精神

工作时间:3个月,有续约及转正可能,即日起尽快入职 薪资待遇:面议 是否坐班:是,一周至少4天。

集思互联教育( Global Education Connection-GEC)是一家由哥伦比亚大学和哈佛大学校友在美国纽约创立的提供专业化国际教育内容和服务的教育科技公司。集思互联教育自成立起,坚持以科技创新、人才驱动和品质领先为发展的核心目标,旨在将海外优质的教育资源和科学的教学理念带给对国际化教育需求日益增长的中国青年学生, 帮助学生建立国际视野,培养学术能力,掌握先进科技,增强人才的全球化竞争力。 2014年,集思互联教育来到中国,以高水准的产品设计和高质量的服务体验,快速成长为一家具有一定行业知名度和市场声誉的教育创新型企业。目前,公司主要下设三个板块业务:

Global Education Connection (GEC) is a professional international education organization founded in New York City by the alumni of Columbia University and Harvard University. The company's core values are based on the importance of technology and innovation, high-end human resources and high quality service. The company mission is to help Chinese young students to access the high quality education resources and scientific teaching methodology, in order to increase international competitiveness. In 2014, GEC started entering China's domestic market and has collected positive market reputation through competitive product design and service experience. So far, GEC has formed three key business modules:

- 集思互联实践教育板块:践行中国青年走出去战略,在联合国可持续发展目标框架下,结合国家“一带一路”的政策方针及“文化走出去”的战略使命,依托优质资源网络先后开发了肯尼亚-哥伦比亚大学、毛里求斯-哈佛大学、柬埔寨-哥伦比亚大学、以色列等地的学术/实践考察项目,为国内专注发展中国家与美国高校相结合的专业教育机构。

Practical Education Modular: Adopting the Strategy of "China Youths Going Out", within the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, Combing the policy of "One Belt One Road", GEC independently designed and implemented Kenya-Columbia University, Mauritius-Harvard University, Cambodia-Columbia University, Israel Academic/Practical Program. GEC is the first professional organization that is focusing on the combined program with developing countries and top college and university programs in U.S.

- 集思互联科技教育板块:着眼于为国内的 K-12 学校提供科技教育落地服务, 热门 课程包括:增强现实AR游戏设计、虚拟现实 VR 场景设计、 Scratch 全能游戏创作、 LEGO WeDo 2.0 及 VEX 机 器人课程等。

Technology/STEM Education Modular: Focusing on providing professional service for top K-12 schools in China, we have designed and introduced popular courses including, Augmented Reality Game Design Courses, Virtual Reality Design Courses, Scratch Game Design Courses, LEGO WeDo 2.0 Courses, VEX Robotics Courses etc.

- 集思互联海外课程落地板块:结合中国学生日益增长的出国留学背景提升需求和国内学生海外教育交流机会匮乏的现状,将海外(美国)的导师和教育资源引进国内,帮助学生不出国门达到背景提升的效果,助力海外名校申请,代表项目包括:北京能源与可持续发展周、华尔街投资银行实训项目落地北京等。

Localizing Overseas Program: Realizing the high demand of Chinese top students on application for overseas schools and universities, GEC brings the top professors and education recourses from U.S. to China. It is committed to deepen the academic background of our students, which will help and support them for the future college and universities application. The pervious successful programs are including: Beijing Energy and Sustainable Development Week, Wall Street IB training in Beijing, etc.

地址 | Address:北京市东城区朝阳门内大街2号朝阳门SOHO8层811 | Rm811, Chaoyangmen SOHO, No. 2 Chaoyangmennei Av., Dongcheng District, Beijing, China

简历要求: 中文
北京市东城区朝阳门内大街2号朝阳门SOHO8层811 收起地图

