2022-05-23 16:47:20 刷新
250-350/天 上海 硕士 3天/周 实习4个月 提供转正机会

美国国家仪器(National Instruments)诚聘实习生啦! 关于NI,你可能已经知道: 近40年来,NI一直致力于为工程师和科学家提供解决方案来应对严峻挑战。 借助这些解决方案,NI客户为市场提供了数万种产品,克服了无数的技术瓶颈,为全人类创造了更美好的生活。 1998年,NI在中国上海设立了全球个海外研发中心,到今天NI大中国区已经发展为员工超过500人,分支机构遍布中国大陆、香港、台湾各个区域。 NI成立于:1976年 2016年销售额:12.3亿美元 全球运营:近50个国家设有办事处 员工人数:约7,400名员工 客户基础:每年为超过35,000家公司提供服务 多元化:没有一个行业的销售额占15%以上 NI中国自2012年起连续五年被Great Place to Work评为“工作职场” 作为NI的实习生,你将拥有: 市场一流的实习薪资(250元/天起),美好心愿一一达成 丰富的实习生培训和1对1导师,助力职场轻松起航 弹性的工作时间,生活工作均衡协调 精彩的实习生户外拓展,好朋友好同事围绕身边 以及各种运动俱乐部活动(健身、瑜伽、游泳、羽毛球)和午餐津贴、异地实习生搬家津贴 看着很不错是不是?这些都很重要,但重要的是NI有着一流的工作氛围及的团队员工! 期待你的加入~ NI正在寻找这些实习生:  Software Engineer Intern: Responsibilities:  1. Carrying out steps in software life cycle including designing, coding, and testing  2. Staying current with the state-of-the-art and cutting-edge technology; applying the latest      techniques in software projects 3. Diagnosing and debugging problems with your product  4. Writing and reviewing product documents for end users in English  Requirements:  1. Graduate or undergraduate students in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, or related 2. Excellent grade in school  3. Strong ability to solve problems  4.Thorough understanding of software concepts and principles, e.g, OO development and design, operating system components, data structures. 5. Qualities of persistence and initiative 6. Good team work and understanding of communication  7. Proficiency in both written and spoken English   DSP Intern: Responsibilities: 1. Engaging in research and development of innovative and high quality signal processing, math, control & simulation, and biomedical products 2. Work with team to carry out and manage each step in the software life-cycle - requirements    analysis, design, coding, testing 3. Diagnosing and debugging problems with your product   Requirements:  1. Solid academic background  2. Graduates in EE, CS or related majors 3. Good team work and understanding of communication  4. Proficiency in written and spoken English  5. Good software programming skills Special expertise in one of the following fields will be a plus: Numeric mathematics, general signal processing and control theory  Machine Learning Electric power systems and automation, or related knowledge/experience FPGA Intern: Responsibilities: 1. Developing and implementing software in FPGA area such as IPs and associated tools; 2. Applying the cutting-edge IP techniques in software projects; 3. Assisting NI users in applying LabVIEW software to their FPGA based applications;   Requirements: 1. Graduate or undergraduate students in EE, CS or related; 2. Good understanding of FPGA technology; 3. Good software programming skills (C++/C#); 4. Familiar with one of hardware description languages such as VHDL or Verilog; 5. Good understanding of digital signal processing (DSP); 6. Familiar with Xilinx FPGA development tool chain; Strong ability to solve problems; 7. Take initiative and persistence; 8. Good team work and understanding of communication; 9. Proficiency in both written and spoken English;   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you are ready for an exciting career with excellent growth opportunities, please send your resume in both English and Chinese with related certificates 

简历要求: 中文 英文
上海浦东新区张江集电港二期43幢 收起地图






负责计算机产品的服务器端研发,通过代码、API 和数据库集成构建服务端架构,提高网站、应用程序或软件的运行效率,为前端提供支持的专业技术人员。